Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Arnical Oil and Its Wonderful Health Benefits

              Arnica oil is produced the flowers of an arnica tree. This tree is perennial and grows in the North American areas, Canada and Europe. A lot of people are using the extracts of this tree as natural remedies. Arnica oil is most widely used at home as natural for various health conditions. This oil is very concentrated and must be used as recommended.

             This is a pure extract, and is extremely effective. This oil is very beneficial as it can be used to treat everyday conditions. Insect bites can be very painful and inflame the skin; applying diluted oil on the skin brings quick relief on the itching skin. No need to buy expensive creams to treat insect bites; Arnica oil is one good alternative. It is important to find out if you are allergic to this oil and avoid applying on broken skin.  But try to observe if you will have reactions; if yes, stop its use immediate.
              Arnica oil can be mixed other oils for massages to relief sore muscles that occur in sports. The right concentration of the oil can be used on a warm wet compress to relieve abdominal pain that is common during menses. Dysmenorrhea is among its common indication. Acne is a condition that bothers many teenagers; diluted oil is believed to clear the acne without irritating the sensitive skin. It is imperative to consult a professional before starting treatment. A pregnant or nursing mother should avoid using. This oil is believed to eliminate dandruff when applied on the scalp in the right concentration.  It rejuvenates hair growth and reduces.

               The benefits of this oil are many when used externally; it helps bring down swellings that occur in accidents. When used in a footbath, it relieves sore feet. People living with arthritis and rheumatism will get relieve when they apply this oil in the right concentration on the sore areas. This oil is believed to increase blood circulation when applied on numb bruised areas. This oil should not be consumed orally without professional medication. Arnica oil is only applied on skin. Inflammation in the mouth can be reduced by gargling diluted arnica oil in warm water. The mouth must then be rinsed out with plenty of clean warm water.